
Offered as a Keynote, Breakout, or Workshop

Virtually everyone feels some level of global and personal uncertainty and/or fear. And this new era of uncertainty can feel daunting and lonely. But when you have the FEAR method, you will now have the confidence knowing you have charge and challenge or fear head on.

Face it, embrace curiosity, advocate and reach out. Holly walks you through a method that has worked for thousands, shares stories that help the steps stick, and provides actionable strategies your audience can implement immediately.

This talk can be delivered as a keynote, workshop, or customized deep dive with leaders at a retreat.


Master the Art & Science of Real Success

Launching and growing your business can be challenging, especially if it’s never been done before. But it can be done without typical overwhelm and burnout.

Holly shares 3 vital steps to master the art and science of real success with defined action and results.

Most are taking action but not on the roadmap to success and nothing is changing.

Some take action but fail to ask for the sale and are not converting solid leads into clients.

Many see the rewards of running your own business are enticing, but the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur can be the biggest challenge you’ll ever face.

Business owners hire me to master the art and science of real success because most lack direction, action, and results.

So, I help define and design a business roadmap for impactful visibility, intentional profitability, and endless sustainability.



Elaine Wegenka, Owner of Zendragon

I thought I was holding it together. I thought I had the helm. But unexplained headaches and cramping muscles told me otherwise. Yesterday I finished Holly's "Building Your Daily Routine" webinar. It gave me pause to rethink how I'm trying to fix things for everyone else in my life. I remembered how I used to be, reading in the morning a bit, being grateful and meditating. I used to meditate all the time. But somehow, I let my compass stray. So, this morning as I walked, I paid attention to my breathing, to where I felt my energy. I came home and straightened up things that were out of place. I put on clothes that I felt good in, not ones that were frumpy. I made tea. I hugged my husband. I read for about 10 minutes. I picked up a call from my 92-year-old mother and we just connected. I brushed my teeth and took my vitamins. I plan on working on two online Zoom classes, but I have a cut-off time. No work at my desk after 2:00. After that I'm going to make some homemade soup and maybe have some wine with dinner. And I feel like I can breathe.

Jay Lifson, Executive Director of the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce

I have had the privilege of working with Holly Jackson over this past year. Two weeks ago, we had Holly host a second speaking engagement with us at our Tuesday Talk series. She really is an engaging speaker and has over 12 years in business to bring her own experiences to the conversation.

Candace Smith, Owner/Manager of The Lighthouse Studio

She's very engaging and caring for the audience. A wonderful speaker. I would welcome her back to my venue.


Hank Hoffmeier


As Seen and Heard On


Business Essentials Series

The Power of Video

Did you know that the best way to share content online is through video? 85% of the US internet audience watches videos online. In this workshop, you'll learn how to use Facebook live, how to record powerful video testimonials, and how to share helpful information with your ideal customers.

Build Your Brand Through Story

Are you sharing loads of content with your list but not getting the interaction you were hoping for? In this workshop, you'll learn how to be market versus marketing focused, how to build an authentic connection and trust, and how to build powerful stories that work for your ideal clients.

3 Business Time Savers

Learn how to leverage Active Campaign for email & marketing automation, how to utilize Cloze CRM for creating high touch personalization with your potential & current customers, and how to save time using Acuity for scheduling. These 3 tools, used correctly, will save you loads of time


Visualize Your Year & Make it Happen

Less than 8% of people who make resolutions or goals actually achieve them. Instead of simply setting resolutions, it can be more effective to set a clear vision with underlying clear goals for the year ahead.

This is an opportunity to experience what you are desiring so that you have a guide post motivating you to get there and a northern star letting you know when you have arrived.

Learning Points:

  • The importance of daily momentum
  • A powerful vision tied to your specific goals
  • The power of visualization and a daily routine
  • The first step you need to take to get into action

Contact Holly

(925) 658-0514