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May 1, 2022Blog
Why You Should be a Heart Centered Leader in Your Business:
4 Strategies You Can Implement Today

We are facing an epidemic with massive mental health consequences. And that is being reflected in how dissatisfied employees are in the workplace.
Here are some daunting statistics to bring you up to speed:
- Only 54% of Americans are satisfied in their current workplace
- Only 42% of employees are happy with the rewards and recognition their companies are providing
- Companies with happy employees outperform competition by 20%
- Happy employees are 12% more productive
- Happy salespeople product 37% more in sales
- 36% of employees would be willing to give up $5,000 for a happier workplace
- Happy employees take 10x fewer sick days than unhappy employees
Happier employees equal more productive and lucrative companies and businesses.
So why aren’t you obsessing and investing in creating a happy workplace and culture? If you aren’t already on top of this, you are way behind.

You may be wondering, what makes a happy employee?
Here are some statistics on what brings individuals and employees more happiness:
- Close employee relationships boost employee happiness by 50%
- 83% of employees that were recognized for their contribution to projects made them feel more satisfied than getting rewards or gifts
- 76% said that getting support and praise from coworkers was what motivated them most
- 80% said they are motivated to stay with a company when they like their coworkers
- Regular contact with 10 friends is the bare minimum for friends to impact your happiness level
- 6-7 hours of socializing daily results in the highest level of happiness for people
Given this data plus the mental health effects on our happiness as loneliness persists during this pandemic, it’s no wonder we are facing challenges in our businesses.
So how can we right the ship? How can we support our employees while also creating a wonderful, happy workplace?
I believe it starts by being the very best leaders we can possibly be. It starts with you.
And I believe that the leaders who will be able to help us course correct, will do so from the stance of heart centered leadership.
Because when we show up as heart centered leaders, we are showing up from a place of relationship. We are people focused. We are amplifiers of awesome relationships.
That’s the stuff we need to heal the world, our communities and our workplaces.

What is Heart Centered Leadership?
This is a topic we do a deep dive on in my podcast, Inspiration Contagion. I’ve interviewed some of the top leaders across many industries on heart centered leadership.
Personally, I believe that heart centered leadership is when we show up from a place of service. To help those we are leading or guiding. There’s no agenda other than helping that individual, team or company succeed. It means holding neutral space. A space where there’s no judgment, no expectations…only presence, love and listening. When I am serving people, I am obsessed about helping them reach their full potential. Not my definition of potential…their definition.
But don’t take my definition at face value. Here’s what other leaders have to say about it...
Julia Gentry, Founder of Dream Factory Co. shares her thoughts on heart centered leadership. She says it’s “someone who is able to go so much deeper and to be able to understand that there is more to life. They are more about where they are going. They see to a much deeper level. Every problem has a solution. You can have great and intense focus in a different realm that brings about possibilities with people in mind.”
Anat Yoder, from Yoder Wealth Management, says heart centered leadership means “The best leaders of the world are values based. When you truly know what’s important to those you lead. Do you know their why? What makes them get up in the morning? And then becoming an advocate for their values. Empowering someone to achieve what’s most important to them. That’s the magic sauce!”
Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, owner of Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, says heart centered leadership means “I come from my heart. Everything that I do is related to bringing love to the world or giving love to someone. As a leader, what I do is bring love to every situation to help a person, a group, or wherever my mission is to serve.”
Wow! I don’t know about you but when I read these definitions I find it inspiring. That’s the kind of leader I am growing into every single day. I strive to embody and be heart centered in everything I do each day.
So how can you show up and be heart centered?

4 Strategies You Can Implement Today
Strategy 1: Be Authentic
Know who you are at the core. What are your values? Are you walking the talk of your personal values?
Align your values with the values and vision of your company. Are you walking the talk there too? If not, how can you take better action today?
The more we show up as our true and best selves, the better we can walk the talk of what we want for our work culture. The better we can show our employees how to walk the essence of our company’s core values.
When we are authentic, we show our employees the real leader inside. From this space, your team will feel safe and supported. They will be better equipped to build good relationships in the workplace. They will be happier because they aren’t forced to wear a mask and pretend to be someone they aren’t at work.
When you are authentic, you allow others around you to do the same. To be themselves.
This is where true culture and community begins...with authenticity.
Strategy 2: Maintain Your Belief and Hope
When we lose our belief and hope, we find ourselves in a dark place. We feel hopeless, desperate and alone. There is no growth from this place.
This is why it’s important that we embody belief and hope. Belief in ourselves. Belief in those around us. Belief in our company and its products. Hope in ourselves, our employees, our company and our services.
If we can exemplify and maintain our own belief and hope, how can we ever expect our employees and teams to get behind anything we lead? We can’t.
This is why leaders have to stay strong. We need to fill our own cups. We need to know our blindspots. We need to take care of ourselves. Because to lead we must pour out our belief and hope to those around us.
Fierce and successful leadership means being able to stand on your own two feet and still have more to give. And to know when you need to step back and take care of yourself.
Know yourself deeply. Maintain your belief and faith always.

Strategy 3: Tap into Your Heart to Hold Neutral Space
One of the things our world needs more than ever is neutral space. We are constantly bombarded with ads that tell us what we don’t have. They tell us we are lacking in some essential way.
We are bombarded with social media which leads us to a fear of missing out. We feel disconnected. We feel less than. We compare and despair as we see others around us seem to have it all.
We hear so many terrifying and scary stories in the news. The future is uncertain. The stock market is crashing. We are on the brink of war...it’s all bad news.
Our cortisol levels rise with each of these modern day pressures.
What we need is neutral space. Neutral space is a space where we can share freely without judgment, without bias, without expectation. It’s a space where others support us, listen deeply and hear us. It’s where we can show up exactly as we are. It’s where we release words like “should”, “could”, “would”, and “what if”.
As heart centered leaders, it’s our duty to create neutral space and to teach our leaders to do the same. Amazing tribes, cultures, workplaces and movements are built when we come together authentically without judgment.
Let’s create that space. It’s the only way we can combat the external pressures of modern times. By offering presence and love to those around us.
Strategy 4: Coach, Don’t Tell
As heart centered leaders, it’s never our job to tell someone what to do. It’s our job to coach them.
To partner with our leaders and teams on how to achieve the best outcomes. To know exactly what their values are. To help them see their own superhero powers from within.
The best leaders find the most talented people and mentor and coach them. They ask them what they really want. What their aspirations and goals are. What lights them up. And then they build a roadmap with them on how they can achieve them.
Your teams will never be great if you are constantly putting out fires. But if you teach your leaders how to put out fires by tapping into their own greatness and skills, you will go far.
And don’t forget to ask permission when coaching. Ask, “Can I offer a suggestion?” or “Would you be open to some ideas or feedback on that?”.
When we ask, people are more receptive. And sometimes the answer may be yes, I would love that but I need a minute. I have a fire to put out first.
The worst thing to do is to coach without permission. There’s more resistance when we tell without permission. Coaching without permission is telling.
Coaching is about partnership, trust, and growth. Great leaders know how to foster this.
Need Help Building Your Heart Centered Leadership Team?
I am here to help. I work with leaders across the world to build amazing workplaces and cultures. And it starts with you and your leadership team.
If you’re interested in how I can help you and your team, please schedule a short, complimentary consulting call so we can chat further.

How are you building heart centered leadership?
I would love to hear from you. Which strategy are you focused on today?
How do you define heart leadership?
Take a Deep Dive on Heart Centered Leadership
To learn more from other heart centered leadership, be sure to listen to the following leader interviews:
- Episode 1: Healing When It Seems Impossible with Shiroko Sokitch
- Episode 3: Tune Your Brain into Inspiration with Tim Ringold
- Episode 6: Inspiration is a Mindset with Monica Phillips
- Episode 9: Finding a Better You with Tom Nicoli
- Episode 11: Bringing Healing to the Root of Your Being with Carine Camara
- Episode 12: Inspiration in Ordinary Moments with Tanuka Gordan
- Episode 13: Uncover Your Entrepreneurial Spirit with Sharifah Hardie
- Episode 14: Mother on the Hill with Gian Panetta
- Episode 21: Start with Your Mission & Purpose First with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum
- Episode 32: Finding Your Unicorn Life Balance with Anat Yoder
- Episode 37: Empathy and Honesty in business with Jay Lifson
- Episode 41: Awaken Your Inner Dreams with Julia Gentry
- Episode 44: Spread Alofa with Ioana Aboumitri
- Episode 45: Heart Centered Leadership Starts with Acceptance with Dee Woolridge
- Episode 52: A PR Campaign and a Man on Death Row with Tracy Lamourie
- Episode 55: Befuddled? Live the Life You Choose with Russ Hedge
- Episode 57: Connection and Collaboration is Purposeful with Paul Edwards
- Episode 60: Financially Fit: Living the Secrets to an Abundant and Prosperous Life with Dawna Campbell