Avoid the Holi-Daze
December 1, 2020
5 Steps to Building a Roadmap
February 1, 2021Blog
8 Strategies to Take Action That Matches the Size of Your Dreams

So often, a client will come to me with a clear vision of their future business and the life they want to build.
And yet, they let fear get in the way. They say no to themselves.
Then days, months and even years will pass you by. They will come back to me or find someone else.
They will finally choose to invest in themselves. They will choose to live the life of their dreams.
But it takes YOU deciding that you want it. It requires that you take action. Action that matches the size of your dreams.
Don’t let another single day pass you by. You are worth it.
Today is the day you start taking action that matches the size of your dreams!

One of the hardest parts of being a coach is meeting people with ideas, grit, inspiration and passion. And watch as they throw it all away.
Sometimes they aren’t ready. Usually they are allowing their fears to drive the steering wheel.
The biggest mistake we can make is to allow fear to drive our lives.
This leads to regret, dispassion, unhappiness and depression.
Don’t let your fears rule your life. There is another way.

New Year, New You
We all know it’s just one day. It’s the same fresh start we get every time we wake up to a new day. And yet there is all this added energy around a New Year.
So let’s take that energy, this time for reflection and this fresh start and doing something with it.
Here’s a roadmap to success that I know works:
- Don’t set resolutions. Instead set an intention or mantra for the year.
- Don’t set goals. Instead map out how you will reach your goals. And have a backup plan. Allow space to pivot and flow. Be open to what life throws your way.
- Don’t stop at creating a vision board. Instead visualize your end goal every single morning. Breathe fresh energy, ideas and intentions into it. Stay excited, passionate and motivated every single morning!
- Don’t limit yourself. Instead dream BIG. Dream big, aim high. Go for it! Take action that matches the size of your dream. Get out of your comfort zone. Believe in YOU!
- Stop getting in your way. Instead banish your negative, limiting thinking. Stop treating yourself the way you would speak to an enemy. Be kind to yourself. Celebrate action and even the smallest accomplishments. Acknowledge how far you have come.

- Stop hiding your dreams. Instead share them with loved ones. Share your goals and how you plan to get there. Ask for help if you need it. Ask for support and brainstorming when you hit walls. There will be walls but you can BUST through them with your tribe!
- Stop playing small. Instead play a BIG game. Live life as if today is your last day. What is the legacy you want to leave behind? What do you want people to say about you and your life? What impact do you want to leave the world with? And then DO THAT!
- Stop making excuses. Instead find solutions. If money is a problem, find ways to save more or cut back your spending so you can invest in the most important thing-YOU! If your fear is holding you back, get support to push past that. Whatever your excuse is, turn it into a small obstacle and find a way to push past it. Be brave. Be bold!

What Are You Waiting For?
We all know it’s one day. It’s the same fresh start we get every time we wake up to a new day.
And yet there is all this added energy around a New Year.
Let’s take that energy, this time for reflection and this fresh start and DO something with it.
Life is too short to wait.
I can’t tell you how many times the people around tell me how brave I am.
And every time I hear this, it surprises me.
The things people think are brave, to me I am taking the next logical step to designing the life of my dreams.
We don’t always see our gifts through our own lens. Sometimes it takes those around us shining a light on us for us to discover our true gifts.

I am gifted with a great deal of inspiration and encouragement. People see me as a mentor, guide, coach and leader because I take action that most wouldn't.
- Because I lean into discomfort.
- Because I grow and survive everything and anything life throws my way.
- Because I choose to go after my dream no matter what obstacles I face.
- Because I am not willing to give up.
- Because I believe in seeing in the good in people no matter what.
What are you waiting for?
NOW is the time to shine.
NOW is the time to take action.
Leap into this new year and a new YOU!
You’ve got this!

Need Support?
Are you struggling with these steps?
I’m here to help. Schedule a coaching call so we can get you unstuck and build out a plan to help you move forward.