Does fear keep you from doing what you dream of doing? Does it keep you playing small? How is it holding you back?
Have you been struggling to hit your goals? Are you looking to others for advice or permission?
What if you could tap into the super powers of entrepreneurship with ease? How does one think like an entrepreneur? How can you learn the skills and mindset for business success?
What would you give to be happier each moment? . We all want to get the most out of our lives. We want satisfaction and we strive for joy. Happiness is something we all universally seek. It doesn't require having loads of cash either. You'd be surprised at what helps boost your happiness levels.
Without self-care as a foundation, we have nothing to build on. If we don't take care of our bodies, minds, and lives, then who will? And how can we show up for our loved ones if we become sick, burnt out, or overwhelmed?
Most of the time we find ourselves coasting through life. Sometimes that works because things are going well. And then there are those times where things fall becomes chaotic, frustrating, and perhaps even feels out of control.
Did you know that 100,000 deaths occur each year in US hospitals due to medical errors and sleep deprivation?
One of the most common questions I hear from clients is "What is the most powerful thing I could change in my life that would make the biggest impact on my life?". My response is simple: Commit to yourself in a powerful way by designing the perfect morning routine for you.
Last month's theme focused on progress, not perfection. In order to gain freedom from our perfectionistic tendencies, we have to release our inner critic.