3 Marketing Villains & How to Fix Them
September 1, 2020
DIY Guide to Launch Your Podcast in 30 Days
November 1, 2020Blog
Got Grit? 6 Celebrations and the Setbacks Behind It All

When I look back at 2020, there has been a lot of growth. A lot of success.
There have also been a lot of challenges. Some setbacks. Some failures. Some stressors.
So if you find yourself comparing yourself to other people, stop and take a step back. Behind every single success is failure.
The most successful people in the world persevere no matter what life throws their way.
It’s important to share our celebrations and our setbacks. So here are some of the highlights from this year for me.

6 Celebrations:
1. Launched My First Podcast
Check out my Inspiration Contagion podcast.
This idea came from a morning of meditation. I was trying to decide what the topic for my book should be.
It dawned on me that I want to explore transformational leadership.
But I also wanted to share other leaders' stories of success and struggle. I wanted to share my journey while I did the research for the book.
Within 30 days, I went live with 10 episodes. This is a HUGE accomplishment.
In fact, most podcasts fail to make it past their first 10 episodes. I am so grateful for every single guest I have had on the show.
It has been an inspiration for me and I hope for my listeners as well.
An Activity For You: If you are looking to launch your podcast, here are the 5 Things No One Tells You.
2. Landed 10 Online Stages
My original plan was to be on physical in person stages. But with COVID I had to pivot.
I chose to look at this as an opportunity. To get good at landing stages and leading online summits and webinars.
I was a guest at Serendipity, Women in Tech, a SCORE national webinar, 3 Live Summits and much more.
Sharing my stories, successes and how to pivot during challenging times has been a reward.
An Activity For You: To land more stages, research the stage. Then reach out to the person in charge.
Offer their audience value. You don’t need anything fancy to get started. Share how you can solve a problem that their audience has.
3. Fine Tuned My Messaging
Why does our messaging matter? Our message is how we build connections with the world.
If your messaging is off, you will likely be attracting the wrong people.
If your messaging is off you won’t be turning away people that are the wrong fit.
For these reasons and many others, I did a deep dive on my marketing and PR strategies.
I interviewed clients and potential clients to learn more about their needs.
I also discovered that I want to be even more vulnerable with my audience. I want to share the difficult moments because we all experience them.
I’m sharing more stories. I’m being more raw. More bold.
It takes courage but it’s worth it!
An Activity For You: To fine tune your messages, listen to your current clients. What problems do they have? How are they describing their challenges?
This will give the insights you need to pivot your messaging.

4. Connected More
I found myself doing even more networking during COVID. Building more connections.
I’ve added over 600 new connections on LinkedIn. Some of these have resulted in partnerships, collaborations and support.
I have built a strong partnership with my local chamber of commerce. Together we put together online programming to support local business owners.
I have visited over 20 BNI networking groups and had 100s of 1 to 1 meetings.
I went online and reached out to groups in professional services.
In each BNI meeting, I was able to share a quick 30-60 seconds about me and my ideal referral.
The real magic happens when you connect 1:1. Following up from the larger meeting with key people matters.
BNI is a great way to build your referral business. It will jump start your business.
I’m so grateful for everyone I’ve met this year.
An Activity For You: Connect with 10 new people on LinkedIn today. Ask them if they want to hop on a Zoom call.
I bet you'll get more calls scheduled than you think.
Go into the conversation open and with ideas for how you can help that person today.
5. Launched My Resources Page
Check out my my resources page.
I have met some incredible people this year. And they have incredible services and products.
I chose to launch a resources page to share their gifts with my community and clients.
It can be so challenging to find the right connection for a new service we need. It’s important to have trusted resources and partners.
An Activity For You: You too can build your own resources page. It doesn’t need to be on a website. You can build a Google Doc that you share with friends, family and clients.

6. Opened My LLC & Made a Big Move
On January 1, 2020 I opened Holly Jean Jackson, LLC. It’s been a windy road with COVID but rewarding still.
Anyone who is in business and survives this year can do anything. This is one of the biggest and least foreseen moments in history ever.
My heart goes out to all business owners out there who are struggling. Even the businesses that are thriving are struggling to keep the pace for growth. It’s been a challenge for everyone.
Be sure to check in with yourself when life shifts. It's important to make sure our personal choices match the strides we are making in our business.
When they fall out of alignment it wreaks havoc on us.
Someone recently shared that 90% of business problems are personal problems in disguise.
For me, this shift came when my relationship with my partner wasn’t aligned with where I was going in the future. I had to make the tough call and end the relationship.
Big life decisions like these put us at a fork in the road where we can either make the best of it or play the victim.
I chose to make the most of it.
I chose to move to North Carolina to be closer to family.
I am so excited to expand my network coast to coast. I have amazing relationships in California and North Carolina.
I’m looking at this as a HUGE opportunity to have even more impact. Here is to new horizons!
An Activity For You: If you’re hoping to check in on your alignment, it starts with making quiet time for reflection. Ask yourself the tough questions.
If you’re having problems in your business, ask yourself “what in my personal life could be causing this or getting in the way?”.
Reflect and write out what changes you need to make this season. And get help if you need it.
These are a few of my big wins this year.

Challenges & Setbacks:
But what you don’t ever hear or see is all the challenge behind the big wins…
So let’s talk about that a little….
Here are some of the challenges I’ve faced this year:
- Lost business from existing clients
- Fewer private coaching clients
- My front tooth veneer popped out the first day of COVID...yikes!
- The challenges of living with your partner during a pandemic
- A break up--after being together 7 years
- Feeling isolated from COVID
- Constant pivoting to keep afloat
- Working too many hours for hardly any money
- Losing my balance
- Facing chronic migraines that knocked me out for a week at a time
- Daunting anxiety from the unknown
- Muscle loss from lack of exercise at the gym
- As an empath, feeling all the anger, sadness and overwhelm from the world, clients and loved ones
- Lost physical stages which means lost money and client conversions
- Lost a major consulting contract at the beginning of the year which meant less income
And the list goes on….
So next time you hear about someone’s success, please know that it’s not perfect. The journey is never roses and cupcakes.
But here’s the silver lining….
If you know what you want and you stick to it, you will achieve it. You can’t give up.

With each of these challenges, I learned more about myself. I discovered new options and possibilities.
When I am faced with the biggest challenge, I know I will learn. I know it will be that much sweeter on the other side.
Without setbacks and challenges, success is empty. You appreciate your success so much more when you understand what it takes to achieve it.
You gain strength, confidence and unwavering faith in yourself.
That’s the REAL value of life. Unwavering faith in self.

I want to hear from you.
What were your biggest accomplishments this year?
What were some of your biggest setbacks?
And is there anything I can help you with today?
Need Support?
Are you struggling with these steps?
I’m here to help. Schedule a coaching call so we can get you unstuck and build out a plan to help you move forward.