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From Shiny Object Syndrome to Revenue Streams

I love working with visionary leaders. They are full of energy and BIG ideas!
One thing all visionaries have in common...they have a LOT of ideas.
I see it show up time and time again. They start working on one thing...only to find themselves distracted with the next brilliant idea.
The problem with this...
They don’t finish what they started. And they get bored with repeating actions that lead to success.
How can we turn your shiny objects into revenue?
3 Strategies To Maximize Revenue with BIG Ideas:
Strategy 1: Keep Doing What Works
Before you try chasing after the next idea, start with what works. Look at the data and metrics. See where your clients and sales are coming from.
Is it from referrals, online traffic, or mailed advertising?
When I work with clients, I ask them what has been working. Oftentimes, they can’t answer this question. At least not with data to back it up.
When we dig into the numbers, what we find is surprising. Very rarely do they have a grasp on what is working.
It’s important to understand what is working well. Because those are the actions and processes we want to keep and repeat.
If you’re the business leader you can always have your team continue the repeatable process. I know you are reading this and rolling your eyes. Saying internally, “come on Holly...I’m bored out of my mind repeating the same ole stuff…”
But here’s the thing...
What makes a remarkable leader is when you uncover and repeat what creates successful outcomes.
It’s that simple.
If you want to build an incredible business, figure out what works and repeat it. Expand it. Grow it. Improve it. But don’t just go chasing after the next idea until you dial this success in.

Strategy 2: Test Out One New Idea At a Time
You’ve dialed in success. You have the repeatable process on autopilot with technology or staff.
Now, you can go after that next shiny object.
I know you are already feeling resistance to my test out ONE new idea...
You’re thinking, “Holly, I want to test five new things all at once. One thing at a time is way too slow.”
The problem with testing multiple shiny objects at once is that you will bury the lead.
Look at that list of five new shiny objects. Which one is most exciting and enticing?
Got it? Are you sure? Is this the one idea on your list that will keep you stoked for three to six months to chase after? Or will you be bored in a week?
Go back to your list and revisit it. Visualize what it will feel like going after that one idea. As you visualize it, ask yourself:
- What will your customers be saying when you reach it?
- Can you see yourself going after this for a period of time?
- Do you feel inspired by this idea?
- Is the idea exciting enough that you’ll wake up energized every day?
Do you have it now?
Great! Go after that ONE new idea.
And test it out for at least three to six months OR choose to go big and fail fast. Either way, give the idea room to breathe.
Not every brilliant idea will bear fruit right away. Many of the best ideas take time to build. It doesn’t make them any less brilliant.

Strategy 3: Keep a List of Shiny Objects
Not all shiny objects are equal. Not all ideas are fully baked.
Some shiny objects may be ideas for years down the road.
Keep a list of all your big ideas. Consider adding it to an Evernote account.
What’s great about Evernote is that you can search across it. Perhaps over the next year, an idea continues to come up. If it keeps coming up, it may be the next BIG thing you want to go after.
Sometimes shiny objects can be grouped together. They can build on each other.
Schedule time for super thinking once a week.
During this time, do the following:
- Review your shiny object ideas
- See if you can group any of them together
- Get curious and see if any of them build on each other or connect?
- Ask yourself if any of them support the one shiny object you’re currently going after?
- Consider prioritizing them for your next super thinking session
Keeping a list and working with it weekly or monthly is a healthy way to stay inspired. While also not losing focus.
You can be a visionary. You can be excited about the next thing. But we want to make sure we don’t burn out our employees.
We want to build repeatable success. BEFORE we dive into the next thing.

Struggling with This?
I get it. This is really hard to do alone.
This is why I work with a coach. And this is why my clients hire me as a consultant.
When I work with companies and nonprofits as a consultant, I bring an objective, external voice to help you:
- Find your profit leaks
- Turn shiny objects into
- Build repeatable success processes
- Discover based on metrics where success lies
- Show you what you need to STOP doing
- Design a state of the art employee experience
- Create a customer experience that results in referrals and raving fans for life
If you’re ready to...
- Take BIG and bold action in your business
- Help your employees reach their full potential
- Grow as a business leader and commit to continuous learning
- Try things outside of your comfort zone
- Reach more dream clients
- Have more impact in your business, community and the world
- Build more revenue
- Improve your lead generation and sale process
- Invest in yourself and your business