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May 1, 2021Blog
Hello, Can You Hear Me? Building Authenticity in Marketing

Can your audience hear you?
Are they engaging with your content?
Has it been a challenge to communicate what you do in business?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it could mean you need to make some shifts. Small changes can have a BIG impact.
Here are some creative solutions to help you.
Let's shift your marketing to build connection and community.

#1 Stand Out From the Crowd
If your core message is unique, share that.
Example: Everyone else is telling you diet is the #1 needle mover. But I am here to share that sleep is most important. Here’s why...
If you have a unique method, share that.
Reflect on what makes you and your service or product different. Share stories, testimonials and examples related to this.
Make sure your email subjects, first lines in social, etc. are unique, catchy and bold.
Examples: Do NOT do this! The Biggest Secret to Making $$$

#2 Make Mistakes & SHARE Them
As a business owner, you are good at what you do. Especially for those of us skilled in marketing, we sometimes come across as too perfect.
We want to show we are both remarkable and ordinary in our marketing.
It’s important to share the mistakes and missteps we have had to succeed.
It’s important to show that we are both remarkable and unremarkable. We are human.
So find ways to share your super powers in business alongside the hard lessons you learned along the way.Exercise: List your 5 top achievements you are most proud of. For each of these, list all the mistakes and failed experiments. Everything that occurred along the journey to achieving each of these milestones.
Use these are snippets of posts and stories you can share in social media, on stage, with clients and in emails.

#3 Build Your Story Inventory
Every single day make it a habit to write out 2-3 stories that you love to share and may be relevant to your audience.
The more stories you have in your inventory, the easier it is to relate to potential clients on sales calls. It will make coaching and mentoring easier as you will have stories ready to share on related topics.
There is so much power and wisdom in storytelling.
You must become a master at storytelling. Start by building a HUGE inventory of stories. Building this as a foundational business asset is crucial.
Questions to Consider For Each Story:
- How does the story show you are remarkable?
- Does it show that you are also ordinary and relatable?
- Would it resonate with your audience?
Ninja Tip: Start interviewing as a guest on podcast. See which stories resonate most with the host on your show.
Or share stories on sales calls to see which ones cause the potential client to lean in or ask more. Note which ones are most interesting and share these in your marketing.

#4 Don’t Be a Copycat
Stop looking at what other business owners are doing with their marketing.
Seeing what others are sharing that sparks a lot of engagement is great if you need some creativity.
But don’t stop there.
Make it yours. Be 100% YOU in your marketing.
If you are loud and bold, be loud and bold in your marketing.
If you are analytical and thought provoking, use these skills in your marketing.
People can tell when you are being real. And they can smell a FAKE from miles away.
Don’t waste time copying someone else’s style. Own your style. Own your voice. Own your story and share it with bold authenticity!
You’ve got this!

I Want to Hear From You...
I would love to see and hear what you are sharing with your audience.
What stories are you most excited to share from your inventory?
Let’s Get Social!
Follow me on social and tag me in your posts so I can see your super power in action in your marketing.

Need Support?
Are you frustrated by a lack of focus or a fear of failure?
Are you struggling to build out your dreams or resonate with your ideal audience?
The rewards of running your own business are enticing. But the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur can be the biggest challenge you’ll ever face.
Often, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We get overwhelmed. We get stuck in place or become paralyzed with the fear of failing...or even succeeding!
If you’re ready to attract the right clients, push your revenue to the next level and make a larger impact, I'm here to help.
Schedule a coaching call so we can get you unstuck and build out a plan to help you move forward.