Master the Art & Science of Real Success
July 1, 2022
Your Roadmap From Where You Are Today to Where You Want to Be
September 1, 2022Blog
Build Your Business Legacy:
The Roadmap That Gets You Where You Want to Be

Many desire to play BIG but are continually faced with the question... "What legacy do you want to leave behind?"
And the majority of people simply can’t answer it.
They have absolutely no idea.
Because they've never stopped and considered it.
Sometimes they respond right away with an answer that isn’t theirs. But when we dig deeper into their why, we quickly discover that this isn’t exactly what they want.
In fact, I find oftentimes that business owners are actually building a business that’s completely backwards.
It doesn't align with anything they want. It's completely out of whack with their values, priorities and long term goals.
And when this happens, it's no wonder that their results, sales and growth aren't going as they'd like them to... the business is failing, stagnating or stuck in a rut.
How can you possibly build something that will take time, blood, sweat, tears, and loads of faith and passion if you don’t 100% love it?
If you aren't 100% aligned?
The answer is…you can't.
Let me ask you... have you ever given your all and found that it simply did do it for you? AND you actually felt burnt out? Fried?
Creating a business without a true purpose will burn you out. You have all been there, you find you are overwhelmed…up late at night as you fear the future and what it holds.
And ultimately leads you to a dark place where you feel like a complete failure. Oh to be a business owner.

Build Your Business on a Healthy Foundation
But here's the truth. You aren’t failing.
You are finally in a place of brutal honesty. You can finally see the truth.
That you need to stop, pause and take stock of what you really want.
After all, we can’t grow a business without healthy soil. We can't expect seeds to grow without diligently watering and nurturing them.
The same thing applies to your business.
If we take this metaphor further and look at your life and business holistically, it looks a lot like a plant.
- The roots represent your core values as they carry with them deep roots even at the subconscious level.
- The soil is your life priorities as they create the nutrients for what will thrive in your life.
- The water and nutrients come from your inspiration, bold action, and our belief in self.
The result of a growing, thriving plant is where we can see the actual growth and this is where we can see success.
Not just any success but success that's aligned with who we are, what we want, and where we are going.
Studies have even shown that plants who are nurtured with positive language do better.
This is why it's absolutely essential that the business we are building is something we are deeply passionate about. That we are 100% committed. 100% excited to make it a reality. 100% aligned through and through.
And you might be thinking, Holly, why is this so important?

Define Your True North
The truth is, if you don’t know what you want, you can't possibly know where you are going.
It's like trying to go backpacking in the woods without a map and compass.
You will never know what decision to make when there’s a fork in the road. You won’t know what to say yes to and what to say no to.
And when we don’t know where we are going, we overcommit and say yes to things that back us into a corner. We get stuck in our yeses because we are saying yes to all the wrong things.
You can never find your true north until you know what your destination looks like, feels like, sounds like and smells like.
This is why I work with my clients to help them build a firm foundation…rooted in what their values are, what's most important to them, and a clear understanding of their long term goal or that legacy they want to be remembered for.
In doing so, we build your life and business compass.
Once you have your compass, you will use it to make decisions. You will only say yes to things that get you 1% closer to what you desire.
And you will say no to EVERYTHING else. And yes I mean EVERYTHING else.
You will use your compass as an anchor and accountability partner. Use it as a screensaver on your phone, on your computer.
Print it and place it in key rooms, offices, etc. The more you see it and use it, the faster you will gain tremendous momentum. You will see more miracles, serendipity and growth in the right direction.
How does this happen?

Your Roadmap to Success
It takes a few simple steps...
Step 1: Alignment
When we are aligned this is where the magic happens.
This is where we see miraculous things fall into place. That publisher you were seeking, magically comes across your path. That speaking gig you were chasing, magically falls into your lap.
And it's because you are taking action that's aligned with everything you are and everything you want.
Step 2: Define It
We also work on defining success on your own terms.
Just like that plant metaphor, I want you to visualize what the destination of success will look, sound, smell and feel like. This way you will know when you have arrived.
I want you to dig deep.
Explore who you are, what's important to you, what brings you the most joy and inspiration. I want you to plant and firm up roots that are true to who YOU are and what YOU want.
Step 3: Nail Your Core Values
I also challenge my clients to define their core values.
As we build our dream business, a huge component of that is creating a culture that reflects our mission, vision and values. So many business owners never stop to reflect on their core values.
This is a huge disservice to their customers and future employees.
To lead and lead well, we must understand who we are and how we show up in different situations.
This is why I ask my clients to go beyond defining their core values.
I ask them to build characters around each of their core values.
Just like in that movie Inside Out. They take each of their values and explore how it feels, sounds, and looks when they act from a place of that value.
For example, let's say my client Jane has the core value of freedom. When she shows up from the stance of freedom, what does that feel like?
How does freedom sound? If you had to draw an image of freedom what does he or she look like? What name would you give this character?
While I know this may be an unusual and even uncomfortable exercise, it is a POWERFUL one.
Step 4: Use Your Core Values
Because once you get to know your core value characters, you have a new super hero power. You have heightened awareness as a leader.
You know when you're leaning into a certain character more than another.
You might even notice that you’re acting from the wrong character. You might even course correct and lean on another value based character.
I've used this tool with many leadership teams. It allows them a new level of understanding.
They understand themselves and each other. It improves their communication as a team. Allows them a better understanding of where their teammate is coming from which allows them more compassion and openness to hearing a conflicting idea.
It puts them in a place where they can coach and be coached in a safe place.
And in sharpening this super hero power, it will allow you to be an amazing leader, manager, and visionary. Because you now know how you need to show up and with which character or characters for each situation.

Still Stuck?
I understand. We’ve all been there. This is why I work with my business and life coaches.
Because they can see my blindspots.
They show me where I need to grow. And how I can get out of my own way...
I have carved out a limited number of time slots to invite you to hop on a Roadmap call with me to see what is working, not working, and what you would love to have working.
You will begin to discover:
- What isn’t working in your business (what are the gaps you can’t see–blindspots)
- What is working and how to maximize more of that (or start to harness strategies that work)
- What you want 30, 60, and 90 days from today
- Get clear on what your superhero powers are
You want to hop on a call with me if you are ready to:
- Attract amazing clients you are crazy about
- Create magic in your life and business - yes I mean it, magic!
- Get out of your own way and create massive goals matched by massive action!
DO NOT sign up if...you are not willing to invest your time, money, energy, and heart and soul into finding your life’s purpose, and creating a business around it that makes a massive amount of money so you can make a difference in the world.
You have a choice in your business. You can attempt to tackle the bear, run like hell, or you can follow the protocol and take right action.
Ask yourself, are you an action taker? Or are you a conditional action taker?
Do you find you are getting’ ready to get ready? Or do you avoid taking action in the event you might fall flat on your face?
Don't wait for the bear to catch you. Step into action today.