5 Steps to Building a Roadmap
February 1, 2021
Hello, Can You Hear Me? Building Authenticity in Marketing
April 1, 2021Blog
Empower HER: 5 Ways to Help Female Entrepreneurs Thrive
As we celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day there is a lot to be grateful for. But we can still do more. We must continue to grow together.
Woman or man, here are some tips to lift each other up ...

1) Dream BIG
Stop thinking small.
If you didn’t have financial pressures or insecurities, what would you do? If you waved a magic wand and anything was possible, what would your life look like?
As women, we tend to overthink everything. We get a BIG idea and then we find all the ways it’s not possible. We tear ourselves down.
Our male colleagues have discovered the fake it til you make it mantra works. High achievers understand that there is risk when going after stretch goals.
It’s called a “stretch” goal for a reason. It stretches you. It forces you to grow.
- “The key to success is to start before you are ready” -Marie Forleo.
If you have a big dream or a big idea, take one small step towards making it a reality. Find a class to learn more. Hire a coach. Commit to the dream or goal.
2) Be BOLD
Be 100% YOU! If that means being direct, do it. If that means saying something that goes against the grain, stand by that belief.
Be authentic to who you are. People invest in people.
They want to trust that you can help them solve a problem. They will only know this if you are sharing the struggles you have faced. And how you got past them.
If you have a new idea, do not be afraid to share it. For those who don’t like your idea or your message, they will find someone else to work with. These are not your clients.
In our marketing we want to push away people who are not a good fit for us. Don’t shy away from being bold and being you.
Being bold also means taking action that matches the size of your dreams. Don’t be afraid to make a big investment in yourself. When you bet against yourself, you can never fail.
Take bold, swift and BIG action!

3) Build Your Community
It takes a community to thrive. You can’t learn everything. Nor would that be a wise use of your time.
But you can have a strong network of trusted people who do know it all or have connections who do.
Your community is your support team. Tap into them when you need help. When you need answers. Resources.
And be sure to return the favor. Community and relationships must build that two way street.
Always be networking. Networking to grow your knowledge. To grow your community. To build future collaborations.
Build a diverse community as well as a tribe of female business owners. A community of female business owners will help you break through challenges. They are familiar with what you are experiencing.
It’s also important to have a diverse community. Diverse in background, industry, knowledge base, sex, culture and location.
The more diverse your community is, the more rich your life will be.

4) Define Success & Release Perfectionism
Stop allowing society or loved ones around you to define success for you. Step back and sit with what you want.
- What do you value most in life?
- What are you most passionate about?
- What 5 things are most important to you in this world?
Write that down. Share it with those around you.
Strive for excellence instead of perfection. We are human. Perfection is impossible. The sooner we release this, the faster we can get back to taking action.
- “Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” -Harriet Braiker
Letting go of perfection allows us space to learn and grow from missteps and mistakes. We can then be more kind to ourselves. More forgiving.

5) Embrace Failure
We never stop learning. One of the best ways to learn is through our failures.
Instead of judging our mistakes, ask yourself, what could I have done ? How can I learn from this?
I celebrate my failures. When I mess up in an argument with my partner, I look at it as an opportunity to learn about my communication style. I also look at it as an opportunity to grow closer to my partner.
When I make mistakes in my business, it helps me pivot to the next idea. It helps me weed out the bad ideas from the good ones. It helps me narrow my focus.
When we find the 20% of greatness, it produces 80% of our successes. Getting to that 20% is a journey filled with failures.
For every BIG success, there are at least 100 failures behind it.
- “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the twentieth.” -Julie Andrews
On my podcast, Inspiration Contagion, I ask guests about their challenges and obstacles. They laugh and say “How much time do you have?”.
The road to success is a windy path with countless mistakes. You will have missteps and ungraceful moments. You are human.
The people who succeed accept this. They learn from mistakes. They remain committed to their long term goals. They NEVER give up.

Let’s Celebrate!
What female leaders have inspired you? Who are your female role models and mentors and why? I would love to hear from you. Please comment below.

Need Support?
Are you frustrated by a lack of focus or a fear of failure?
Are you struggling to build out your dreams or resonate with your ideal audience?
The rewards of running your own business are enticing. But the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur can be the biggest challenge you’ll ever face.
Often, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We get overwhelmed. We get stuck in place or become paralyzed with the fear of failing...or even succeeding!
If you’re ready to attract the right clients, push your revenue to the next level and make a larger impact, I'm here to help.
Schedule a coaching call so we can get you unstuck and build out a plan to help you move forward.