3 Strategies to Push Through Fear
December 1, 2019
A Business Success Framework That Works
February 1, 2020Blog
4 Strategies to Create a Winning Vision & Goals for 2020

Are you dreading setting your resolutions and goals for the upcoming year? Afraid they will amount to nothing other than an exercise that goes nowhere perhaps? Or are you simply afraid to dream and think big? Or perhaps you just need a gentle nudge with some simple instructions on how to get through this exercise in a way that will set you up for grand success.
Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, I am certain there are some nuggets of wisdom for each of you in your journey. I'd love to hear what was helpful and any additional ideas and suggestions you may have. Please do share by adding a comment.
Strategy #1: Start with a Vision
Instead of beginning with your goals and resolutions, start by imagining the end of this upcoming year. Dream and think big. What will you ideally have achieved by the end of the year? How will you spend your days and weekends over the next year if you could design it intentionally? Will you spend more time with your family and friends? Will you spend more time at the gym? Will you spend your time working on your business? How will you feel physically and mentally? What will your health look like?
Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant. -Unknown
The goal here is to make your vision statement so clear that the path forward is inevitable and your fears or potential obstacles won't be able to stop you. It should be so vivid and clear that you can share it on demand with those you trust. It should inspire you, excite you, and make you want to jump out of bed each day. Your vision should include you passions.
Start by sitting in a quiet space and clear your mind by tuning into your breath. Then begin visualizing how you'd like your year to go...not just the end outcome but the journey throughout the year to get there. Take your time, tune into all your senses, and really feel everything. Soak it all in. When that feels complete, write it all out. Every single detail...
The clearer your vision statement, the more it can guide you as a light on your journey this upcoming year.

Strategy #2: Set ONLY Four Goals
Now that you have your vision, it's time to set some goals. But let's not set more than four. If you have too many goals, you will likely feel overwhelmed and unfocused. The idea with goals is to set measurable, attainable, actionable, and achievable goals but not too many so you can focus and win.
Ideally you will set one goal across each of these four key areas to keep things balanced:
- Health: set a goal around improving your eating, weight, exercise, sleep, or anxiety
- Wealth: set a financial goal tied to your business, job, or side gig
- Social: set a goal around connecting with your family, spouse, friends, or community
- Personal Enrichment: set a goal to enrich yourself. This can be around a hobby or might be spiritual growth or a passion project. Choose something that will help you develop as an individual.
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes. -Andrew Carnegie
If you're having trouble narrowing it down to only 4 goals, please read the next strategy as it may help you group your goals and narrow it down to four.

Strategy #3: For Each of Your Goals, Define Your Process Goals or Milestones
Similar to setting milestones, each of your goals should have process goals that help make it more tangible and simple to achieve. For example, if I want to loose 10 pounds, one process goal is that I will stop eating sugar or perhaps I will go to the gym four times a week. Within each goal, it's important to outline what additional steps you plan on taking and implementing to get there.
When I started outlining my goals this year, I had over 20! Then I looked at them more carefully and started grouping them together. I realized I had written out the steps I needed to take or sub goals within a larger goal. I was able to take these, narrow them down to four, and create a clear action plan to achieve each one. It was very empowering!
Take some post its and write each of your goals down on each one. If you have more than four, try grouping them together. You may find that you have outlined one goal but have the milestones listed as well. Group them together to define a more clear overarching goal and then outline the milestones into steps you can take below each one.

Strategy #4: Create Rules to Prevent Roadblocks
Another reason so many of us fail to succeed in hitting our goals is because we have bad habits blocking us. We have tendencies that create obstacles in our journey. The more clear you can become on identifying potential obstacles and then creating rules or guidelines to protect yourself from them, the more likely you will succeed.
For example, if I want to loose weight and one of my process goals is to stop eating sugar, I might want to remove all sugar from the house. I might want to create a rule for myself about only drinking alcohol once a week. These are just a couple examples and they apply to any area of our lives.
Here are some of my rules for this upcoming year: I will only drink alcohol two nights a week and no more than 2 beverages. I will consistently go to bed by 10 pm. I will not watch any streaming shows that cause me anxiety or stress.
I hope these are somewhat helpful and trigger some ideas and strategies you can set in place so that you are a grand success in 2020! You've got this!
Action Steps:
- Read the article in it's entirety
- Follow all the steps and exercises
- Post your goals, milestones, and rules somewhere that you can see them daily
- Share your goals and rules with loved ones and people who support you
I would love to hear your goals, milestones, and rules. If you're willing to share, please add a comment. Happy 2020!
Need Support?
Sometimes this process can feel daunting. Some of us may need more one on one help. Most of my clients feel this way. I am here to partner with you in creating attainable action steps side by side to get you to your desired destination. Schedule a complimentary Total Transformation Discovery session with me today!
Some Resources to Support You:
- Register today for the Confusion to Clarity Masterclass!
- The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
- The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod