A Business Success Framework That Works
February 1, 2020
3 Steps: How to Lead During Difficult Times
April 1, 2020Blog
4 Challenges to Up-level Your Leadership Game
This is Holly Jean Jackson. I’m a business coach, consultant, speaker with Holly Jean Jackson, LLC. Today, I am doing a video blog for the month of March on Leadership. I wanted to give this a try and experiment with it. For the month of March we will be focusing on team prosperity and how you can improve your leadership skills. You can either watch or read the content below.
I am really excited about this because I am offering Team Prosperity Coaching to help leaders and their teams thrive. This package coaches both leaders and their teams through workshops and private and group coaching. I am really excited to talk more about this.
I wanted to start by sharing what we are covering this month. The first thing I will share are some concepts and definitions around leadership. Then I have 4 challenges for team leaders. Then I will share more about the team prosperity program.
6 Things That Make Great Leaders:
- The first thing I want to share is the importance of investing in your team. You have to be personally and professionally invested in each of your team members. This is what takes you from being a good leader to a great leader. You need to know each team members personal and professional goals so you can build a roadmap for their individual success.
- The second thing is you have to see greatness in each of your team members. You can’t only be a manager but you have to be an excellent coach. This means you need to hold the highest possible vision for each of your team members. Help them believe in themselves like you believe in them.
- The third thing is it’s really important to hire the right team players. Take the time, slow down for the hiring process. Look for critical soft skills: integrity, work ethic, and being a great team player. These are difficult skills to teach. While it might take longer in the hiring process, it will be less painful than hiring the wrong person.
- The fourth thing is be daring and courageous enough to talk about the elephant in the room. For example, being faced by reorganization, seeing conflict in the room. Be aware of your team’s dynamics. Are they anxious, is there a conflict? Help your team reduce their anxieties and resolve conflicts. See that and be willing to talk about it so that you can help the team refocus on the real prize...your team goals.
- The fifth thing is you have to have a perspective that failure doesn’t exist. When we make mistakes or have failures, it’s really an experience. It’s really about how you react to those setbacks. As a leader it’s our job to be an example and show how to face a setback, learn from it, and solve it. And when we are mentoring our team members on this we have to show them what they learned, what was the lesson in that misstep, and then help them solve that misstep.
- The sixth and last thing around leadership, is that change equals self improvement. While change is oftentimes looked at as painful, scary, and depleting, it is a necessary part of the process for self-growth and improvement. In fact, I would argue that the day you stop changing is the day you become irrelevant as a leader because things are constantly changing and shifting. The more comfortable you can become with ambiguity and change, the more successful you will be as a leader.
4 Leadership Challenges:
- Share Last. I don’t know about you but frequently my team will come to me with problems and no solutions. If you come to me with a problem, I expect you to also come with some ideas to solve it. I used to attend meetings and share my ideas and solutions for a problem and my team would build on my solutions rather than share their own ideas.
In future meetings, I started going to meetings and I would share the problem and ask my team to ideate and share their solutions. I would listen and take notes and wouldn’t share my opinions or thoughts until the end. This allows you to coach your team members to problem solve and share solutions.
By sharing last, you aren’t impeding their ability to share those ideas and you are boosting teamwork and problem solving. - Build an Envelope of Trust. Since we discussed there’s no such thing as failure. Well in an environment where leaders fail to create an environment of trust, there is failure.
If you want your team to succeed, thrive, and be on the cutting edge, you must create a safe and trusting space. They need to know they are in an environment where setbacks and mistakes are ok. This way they can come to you with big ideas, implement them, fail fast, learn from it, and pivot.
How can you create this environment of trust? - Coach the Coachable. While you are spending time with your team and investing in each of them you may quickly uncover that some of your team is uncoachable.
What does it mean to be coachable? It means you are open minded, you are open to feedback, and you are willing to implement that feedback. You are a team player. You are someone who is willing to learn and grow.
Without these qualities, you are not coachable. And you cannot force someone to change. Invest your time in the people who are open and willing to change and grow. - Fill the Gaps Between Your People. Listen to body language and read between the gaps. Know when there’s conflict or misunderstanding between teammates. Bring them together to solve that gap before it creates large fissures that make it impossible for them to work together.
I hope you are willing to take on and implement these challenges.
What makes you a great leader? I challenge you to explore this for yourself. What areas can you improve on? Since change is necessary to remain relevant as a leader this means we are constantly growing and learning. So what are those for you?
Team Prosperity Coaching
One of the most common questions I get is "Holly, how do I build my dream team and help me people hit their stretch goals?"
This is why I offer team prosperity coaching programs... My team prosperity coaching program will help you hone your leadership skills while elevating your team to the dream team status you have been envisioning for years.
Whether you in a new leadership position and feeling completely lost. Whether you are leading your team and hoping to uplevel your game. Whether you are at the top of your leadership game and you have HUGE stretch goals. Regardless of where you are on your leadership journey, team prosperity coaching is customized to cater to you and your team’s specific needs.
A bonus I am offering today, is a complimentary team prosperity coaching call. If you are ready to help your team focus, hit big stretch goals, and elevate your leadership skills, I would love to hop on a call with you so we can start building that partnership today.
Picture a day where you know exactly what step you need to take next for your leadership development. Picture a day where your team is thanking you for leading them to heightened success. Picture a day where you have hit your leadership stride and you are leading your dream team to daily wins.
Together, we can build that day. It’s just around the corner.
Investing in yourself is the first step to taking action that matches the size of your dreams. Are you ready to thrive and win?
Thank you for making the commitment to your future today.