From Shiny Object Syndrome to Revenue Streams
February 1, 2023
3 Ways Business Leaders Leave Massive Money on the Table
April 1, 2023Blog
Peak Performance: 3 Key Foundations to Reach Your Full Potential

One of the most common questions I get is, "Holly, how do I get my team to their full potential?".
I love this question!
So many leaders I meet are leaving so much revenue and impact on the table. And they can’t even see what’s right in front of them.
When I work with my clients, we take a deep dive and look at three foundational areas. Through optimization of these three core tenants, you are set up for peak performance…in every aspect of your life.

Health Brings Wealth
If you yourself as the leader aren’t personally invested in your own health, you’ll never be able to build a culture of health. You must walk the talk of what you want to build.
You must embody what you desire your employees to exhibit themselves.
Countless times I’ve had calls with CEOs, CIOs and other senior executives who are completely burnt out. They have no balance in their personal lives.
They end up exhausted, sick, and depleted.
How on earth can you inspire innovation and peak performance if you are exhausted?
You can’t.
There’s no shortcut here. You have to do the work.
Full potential means full commitment. And that starts by committing to yourself.
When you are healthy, you now have the energy you need to pursue your passions. To lead as the best version of you. To inspire those around you.
When we are unhealthy, it impacts every aspect of our lives. Our relationships, sales, teams, communities, finances…the list goes on.
Lack of health leads to depletion which means we aren’t open to abundance. We can’t hear our customers, employees, or prospects. And when we can’t hear, we can’t understand the problems they are facing. This means we can’t offer solutions.
And when problems fester, this leads to broken homes, communities and companies.
We’ve all heard the term "it only takes one bad apple". And it’s true.
It only takes one bad apple amongst your employees to destroy your employee experience.
It only takes one bad apple amongst your customers to ruin your customer experience or reputation.
It only takes one bad apple in your family or community to ruin a home and leave drama or disarray.
This is why optimizing your own health is where healing begins. You can’t help anyone else until you put your own life vest on first.
And you certainly can’t build a culture of health for your employees until you can walk the talk.
To further connect the puzzle pieces for you….when your culture is lacking health it seeps into your sales pipeline. It impacts and reduces sales conversions. It decreases positive customer reviews and word of mouth marketing. It increases employee turnover as they will lack loyalty without your commitment to their whole health.
Hopefully you’re seeing a very clear picture here. I hope this is a wake up call for you.
It’s never too late to help your team reach its full potential.

Clarity Leads to Commitment
Once you are healthy, it’s time to get clear on what legacy you want to leave behind. What do you want to be remembered for?
What values do you and your business stand for? What vision and mission are you passionately aligned to building?
Without deep clarity, you lack the compass you need to lead the way.
Our mission and vision must be aligned with the legacy we want to leave behind. If not, you are likely building the wrong business.
Building a legacy requires passion, faith, perseverance and commitment. If you aren’t excited and inspired to achieve it, keep exploring. You haven’t found it.
Once you are clear on your legacy, make sure your mission and vision align to it.
If not, you may need to do a rewrite. And this means that likely your strategies will shift.
Time and time again I meet leaders who aren’t inspired by their own mission and vision. If you aren’t inspired, how can you expect to get your team fired up about it?
You can’t. Motivation stems from inspiration. Inspiration is closely related to what we are passionate about….and what our superpowers are (i.e. what we are uniquely great at doing).
Dig deep now...I want to make sure you’re building the right thing along the best roadmap for what you desire.
When I work with my clients, I challenge them to build their business and life compass. In it, we define their life priorities, their values, their business goals for the next quarter and their big motivating factor (i.e. that BIG goal they are aiming for tied to their legacy over the next 5-10 years).
Once we have this mapped out, I teach them how to use this to say yes to the right things. And no to the wrong things. Because when we say yes to things that aren’t aligned we are forced to say no to the important things that will help us build our legacy.
When we don’t have a compass, we will continuously back ourselves into a corner. We choose the wrong priorities, tasks and commitments.
When we are clear, we can move mountains. And we can direct our teams to do the same.
Get clear. Help your employees and leadership teams build their compasses. How do their values, goals and priorities align with the mission and vision of the company? And if they can’t find any alignment, should they be working there?
Getting clear in this way allows leaders to build teams that are committed, loyal, dedicated and believe in the mission. They will go to insane lengths for success when they know how their personal goals and values align to the success of your organization.
Building this kind of employee experience is how companies like Zappos, Starbucks, Google, and Facebook built incredible employee experiences.
If you want to keep your employees and build a culture where your employees will move mountains for your customers, take the time to dial in your clarity. Build this with your leadership teams.
Your results will sky rocket...guaranteed.

Business Excellence & Innovation
Once we have health and clarity dialed in, now it’s time to build a business of excellence and innovation.
People hire me for building revenue and peak performance. What they don’t realize is that most of what they are leaving on the table is tied to the first two foundations: Health and Clarity.
Those foundations allow business leaders to build astounding employee and customer experiences. And those experiences build in employees and customers for life.
Because you care. You commit. You are loyal to your employees. And your employees are loyal to building amazing customer experiences.
This is the secret to business excellence.
And when your employees are this fired up about what you do, they are going to be more innovative.
Because they are listening, really listening, to your customers. They understand your customers' problems. And when you understand their problems you can build innovative solutions that keep your services and products relevant.
In fact, your customers will be delighted….they will even think you have read their mind.
Innovation, creativity and excellence stem from deep and healthy roots…rooted in health and clarity of commitment.
If we looked at the health of a business like a tree...here’s how it would look...
Healthy, thriving, innovative businesses will have deep, healthy roots stemming from health and clarity of commitment. These roots will dig deep into the earth tied into values aligned to the companies own values.
The employees at that company will be the branches of the tree…healthy, strong, loyal and fired up to help its customers.
The stems will be the customers and raving fans of the company who are working with the employees who reflect the values of the company.
The leaves will be all the new ideas, products, and services that continue to solve the problems of the customers for life…keeping the company forever relevant.
As seasons change, those leaves fall to the ground. Companies that are healthy absorb what worked and process what didn’t.
They absorb those dead leaves as lessons. They experiment to find new solutions. They test these solutions with their biggest fans.
They get continuous feedback to the point of being obsessed with what customers think. As they get positive feedback, they plant new seeds for new services and products which bloom in the next season.
It’s the circle of life.
The companies that don’t get it, won’t do this. They remain stagnant. They don’t listen.
They become irrelevant. They fail to nurture their employees which in turn kills their prospects, sales and customer experience.
If you aren’t committed to all three foundational elements, you are digging your own grave. It could take decades or years or months. But I promise you, without all three pieces you are slowly or quickly becoming irrelevant.
Excellence comes from commitment and obsession to all three foundations.
I love working on this with leaders! Because when you get all three, magic and miracles abound! Truly...

Need Help?
I get it. This is really hard to do alone.
This is why I work with a coach. And this is why my clients hire me as a consultant.
When I work with companies and nonprofits as a consultant, I bring an objective, external voice to help you:
- Reach peak performance
- Find your profit leaks
- Turn shiny objects into revenue
- Build repeatable success processes
- Discover based on metrics where success lies
- Show you what you need to STOP doing
- Design a state of the art employee experience
- Create a customer experience that results in referrals and raving fans for life
If you’re ready to...
- Take BIG and bold action in your business
- Help your employees reach their full potential
- Grow as a business leader and commit to continuous learning
- Try things outside of your comfort zone
- Reach more dream clients
- Have more impact in your business, community and the world
- Build more revenue
- Improve your lead generation and sale process
- Invest in yourself and your business