Your Revenue And Peak Performance Consultant

I am Holly Jean Jackson, Revenue and Performance Consultant, Speaker, Podcast Host, Author, and founder of Business Builder Throw Down. My career spans from technology to communications as well as organizational change, public relations and content strategy.
I have dedicated over a decade to helping business leaders get their groove back physically, mentally and emotionally. I led a Local to Global Policy Initiative to influence future leaders' impact on communities. Fun Fact: Played in Carnegie Hall first chair clarinet and am a Black belt in karate.
In my Peak Performance Blueprint, I look at a holistic and logistical approach to success. After all, one can’t have massive success in business without a life of equal or greater success.
Business owners hire me to master the art and science of real success because most lack direction, action, and results. So, I help define and design a business roadmap for impactful visibility, intentional profitability, and endless sustainability.

Why A Consultant?
Bottom line, Without action nothing changes and if nothing changes, why do it?
Most are taking action but not on the roadmap of success and nothing is changing.
Some take action but fail to ask for the sale and are not converting solid leads into clients.
Many see the rewards of running your own business are enticing, but the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur can be the biggest challenge you’ll ever face. And we know this comes from your belief system.
The result, you can’t attract the right clients, push your revenue to the next level, and make a larger impact.
You all deserve to start building your unstoppable, profitable business today.

Rewriting the Story of Business Success

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
Now I don’t know if you fully understand the magnitude of this story. Did you know the story actually ends with poor Humpty never being put back together again?
This simply doesn’t sit well with me. You see most businesses are just like HD. They keep leaving pieces behind and developing new strategies while ignoring the trail of instrumental pcs.
So let’s look at how this can be different.
Let’s rewrite the story, let’s rewrite the story of success.